With the popularity of horseracing on the rise, it’s important to know what horses are racing. While harness horses and thoroughbreds are still the most popular, other breeds are gaining in popularity. If you’re a fan of horse racing, you may have heard the names Thoroughbreds, Standardbreds and Quarter Horses. These breeds of horses are the most famous types in racing today.
The Thoroughbred is a long, slender horse breed with a high-strung temperament. Originating in England around 17th century, the breed has been used primarily for racing and is known for their speed. They require lots of exercise and are high-maintenance animals that can be very expensive to keep because of their breeding needs. They are also extremely intelligent and fast animals that make ideal partners for racing.
Thoroughbreds are generally considered to be the fastest breed of race horse on earth. Their speed is due to their slender body type and long legs – both excellent for running long distances quickly!
They’re also known for being intelligent and possessing a certain amount of athleticism and gracefulness when they run; this makes them fun to watch!

Standardbreds are known for their high speed and endurance, which makes them ideal for long-distance races. They are often called draft horses because they were originally bred as workhorses that pulled carts or wagons called drags. While today’s Standardbreds do not pull drags anymore, they still possess many traits from their ancestors such as being large with thick limbs which help them pull heavy loads easily when walking forward at slow speeds but also keep these same animals moving faster than other breeds when required by hitting them on their rumps with whips while running around tracks instead!
Quarter Horses
Quarter Horses are known for their speed. What makes them special is that they are bred to be fast, and have a lot of endurance. The Quarter Horse breed is also the most popular breed of horse in America, and they make up over half of all horses participating in horse racing.
Quarter Horses are known as sprinters due to their high energy level which enables them to run fast bursts over short distances without tiring quickly—a trait which made them perfect runners during races where each competitor ran only once per heat before passing off his spot behind another rider who had been waiting behind him during those first few seconds spent lined up just outside his starting gate

The Appaloosa is a breed of horse with a spotted coat. It is known for its endurance and speed, making it a popular choice as a ranch horse. Appaloosas are also intelligent, with good temperaments. In fact, their intelligence makes them easy to train. Even children can ride an appaloosa without much difficulty.
Paints are a breed of horse that originated in the United States. They are often used for racing, but they are also used for riding and showing. Their characteristic coat patterns make them especially popular among horse lovers of all ages.