Today I decided to talk a bit about one of my favourite apps when it comes to taking care of horses. The HorseCare app is perfect for horse owners who have a lot of different horses and want to keep track of all their data. I like the clean, simple design and the easy-to-use interface. The app offers a lot of great features and in this article I’ll talk about some of my favourite ones.
Useful for day-to-day use!
To start off, there are a few sections in the app that you can find useful in your day to day. For example the Horse Care Schedule and Stable Notebook sections.
Horse Care Schedule – This section includes everything from feeding schedules and supplements to giving your horse medications. It also includes reminders for when it’s time to brush their teeth or clip their hooves.
Stable Notebook – This section helps you keep track of things like medical history and known issues with your horses as well as vet visits, vaccines given, etc.This feature could prove very useful in case something happens while travelling away from home such as an injury requiring immediate attention.

It’s highly customizable
This amazing app allows you to have all the information about your horses and your stable in one place and it is highly customizable. For example, another great one: the calendar feature allows you to create new events for each individual horse. You can enter up-to-date information about vaccinations and other important dates as well as attach photos or videos from previous events so that you never lose track of anything!
My favourite? Easily the calendar!
The calendar feature is my favourite. It’s easy to use, and as I mentioned you can customise it to your liking. For example, I like to add tasks like feeding, worming, and farrier appointments for my horses in a separate category called “daily tasks.” That way I can see at a glance when each of those things needs to happen!
The app also lets me keep all the information about my horses and my stable in one place so that I don’t have to worry about losing important information if something happens with my phone or tablet.
You can also add your own categories or fields, so you can keep track of anything important to you.

Note-taking is a really good feature
In addition to keeping track of the basic info like height, age, and colour/breed, HorseCare allows you to add notes about your horse’s behaviour in each category (like whether they’re good with other horses). So if your pal is particularly aggressive with other horses but easily rides well by himself you can note that here.
As is the photo feature!
Another great feature of the HorseCare app is the note and photo module. In this section, you can add notes to each horse, upload photos of your horses’ health, behaviour and training, tack, and more. I love being able to add a photo of my horse’s saddle pads so I know exactly what brand they are when I go shopping for new ones. Plus it’s fun to show off pictures of my beloved equines!
In conclusion, you should take advantage of all of the great things the modern times have given us, especially apps that can make your everyday life so much easier and allow you to have more time to focus on more important things, like actually training your horse.